Executive Council
Although the chapter is led by the executive board, executive council positions take on specialized jobs within the sisterhood. From planning events to promoting the chapter, executive council members help the chapter move forward!
Alumnae: Julia Reinstein & Leslie Reid
Centennial: Julia Reinstein & Leslie Reid
Formal: Rachel Aguirre & Nicole Piedra
Fundraising: Colleen Antonio & Ali Smith
Historian: Sarah Pfirman
Philanthropy: Sarah Pfirman & Alaina Mulhearn
Public Relations: Mariah Hayes & Jess Keane
Senior Send-off: Kristina Hsu & Alaina Mulhearn
Sisterhood: Carrie Bernstein & Brooke Williams
Scholarship: Anna Robinson
Social: Lauren Campbell & Sarah O'Neill
Sunshine: Caroline Laub & Tessa Crosby
Senior Send-off: Kristina Hsu & Alaina Mulhearn
Website: Gabbrielle Joseph